Why is it that all major cities around the world have a China Town, a Little India, an Arab Quarter or any other ethnic enclave that springs to mind. I am sure that the ex pat British populations in all these cities are equally numerous but they don't feel the need to establish a "Little Britain". Saying that, I believe that such a campaign is currently underway in New York.
Anyway, China Town was an interesting diversion with the hawker centre selling the most amazing food - anyone for BBQ pig's hooves whilst above all the hustle and bustle you could clearly hear the obligatory call from the local vendors "You come see my shop. Best price. Asda price.
The Arab Quarter, just behind Raffles, was much more sedate and dignified but why do I want to by a genuine Persian rug when I haven't even got a house - I suppose I could put it into storage.
Raffles was a bit disappointing as it is now dwarfed by the surrounding office blocks and Raffles shopping complex. You will have to do with a downloaded photo from the Internet at the moment as these computers don't allow usb connection to my camera